The acronym E.D.C. stands for Everyday Carry and typically represents a survival kit that you don't leave the house without, something you carry with you daily. God has also provided foundational guidelines for making what I would describe as an urban E.D.C. kit. Once again, this should further solidify in your mind how important it is to our Heavenly Father that we plan to live and survive as the early, first-century church did- as one enduring tribulation and persecution.
In Luke 22:35-37, we find Jesus instructing his disciples, saying, "When I sent you out to preach the gospel without any money, a haversack or extra clothing did you find that you needed anything? "No," they replied. But now, Jesus said, take your money and a haversack and if you don't have a knife, sell your shirt to buy one! For the time has come for this prophecy about me to be fulfilled: "He was counted among the rebels."
Here we see that our basic kit should consist of some money or trade goods, a haversack or bag, and a knife. The followers of Jesus are identified as rebels from this point on in the scripture. In this context, those that are without the law, according to their accusers. However, if you study church history, you will find that the Jews and Gentiles treated the early Christians as rebels and persecuted them vehemently.
Many Christians today choose to carry a Bible with them daily, I think this is fine and all, but like our brethren in other parts of the world and in the early church, there will come a time when that is impractical and dangerous. This is why God expects us to know His word, intimately. We should memorize all we can and be so accustomed to living it out daily that if the books are taken, it won't make a difference.
Hebrews 10:16: "This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds."
Because we are rebels in the eyes of the world, God wants us prepared. In addition to our knife, pocket money, and haversack, we're instructed in other places to carry:
A staff. Repeatedly throughout the Old Testament, we find that Moses, Joshua, and others are told to take up their staff as they went out to do as God led them. The description used most often is that of a shepherd's staff. Still, in Hebrew, we get a better understanding through the word matteh, which means staff, rod, or club used for walking, discipline, guidance, and a symbol of identity within a tribe with the extension of royalty. This could just as easily be a billy-club or baton.
A shelter. In Numbers, the Lord commanded Moses to instruct the people of Israel to set up their tents by divisions, each man in his camp under his standard (Num. 1:52). This camp occurred during their wilderness travels. As they reached the Promised Land, we find that they traded their tents for houses- but continued to carry tents with them daily because God commanded them to wear a particular fringe on the corners of their garment known as tzit-tzit. The tzit-tzit are tightly bound cords with a blue thread interwoven to remind the wearer of God's omnipresence and his eternal commandments.

The tzit-tzit is attached to a talith, also known as a prayer shawl. TAL means tent, while ITH means little. Thus, we have a small tent about a person throughout Biblical times and today amongst observant Jews and Christians. This little-tent or Talith (also spelled Tallit) is also called a cloak, robe, and prayer closet in the New Testament. When we read about the woman with the issue of blood grabbing the hem of Jesus' robe, it was the tzit-tzit on his talith she was grabbing hold of, the fringes of his prayer tent. (Matt. 9:20-22)
There are numerous examples of this throughout the entirety of scriptures: Ruth 3:9, Ezek. 16:8, Psalm 91, II Kings 2, Luke 8:43, Mark 5:41, to name only a handful, not to mention the Apostle Paul’s vocation as a tent-maker (Acts 18:3). He was not making goats’ hair tents, which were common at the time. Paul was making prayer tents to support his ministry and because he understood the importance of having a place to commune with God daily. The talith also protected the wearer from the elements as needed, as it was based on the ancient Israelites and Bedouins’ blankets that traversed the desert. The shemagh is the modern equivalent to the ancient tallit for the common person.
These items are the only items that God said to carry daily, and thus far, our daily kit would consist of a knife, haversack, money bag, staff, and tallit. If we go by the Bible standard in modern times, we’re going to look like someone from Lord of the Rings. Today, however, these items will all fit into most modern haversacks and some cargo pockets. With room remaining for the additional gear you may wish to carry, assuming the walking pole you purchase is collapsible or substitute a small club or rabbit stick that stays true to the Biblical description if that is your goal for demonstration’s sake.
These five items have many more substitutions that can and should be suited based upon your personal needs. The tools of the modern day’s E.D.C. will, of course, vary by region and environment, especially considering we’re no longer in an agrarian or farm-based society.
Here are my Tier 1/ E.D.C. items for survival in nearly any environment:
Fire Kit: Lighter, Ferro rod, fire starters
Jacket and Shemagh/ Tallit
Water Filter (Grayl Geopress) or Bottle with a Steel Nesting Cup
Wallet, which also contains an E & E Kit and a Fresnel Lens (Money Bag)
These five items are essential because they are the most difficult to replicate in the field, especially when thrown into an actual survival situation. Therefore, it's recommended these 5, in some form or variation, serve as everyday carry items. These items are also something that can, for the most part, carried in your pockets without drawing any unwanted attention to yourself. I generally forgo the staff as I can grab a stick anywhere I find some woodlands. clean water to me is more useful.
A great article...