At Campcraft Outdoors, we're inspired by the golden age of camping and woodcraft. The 1840s through the 1970s represents a unique time in American history when warriors returned home from the various theatres of battle to reflect and heal in the wild spaces of their homeland. This recreation spurred innovation, creating the outdoor industry we enjoy today.
As a family-owned small business, we've taken what we've learned from these outdoor innovators and applied it to the gear we manufacture. We use strong materials, keep things as light as possible, and multifunctional. We also handcraft every piece of kit, be it a hand-waxed bag or hand-forged knife; someone has put a bit of themselves into each of our unique products.
We create because we can, we make because we enjoy it, and our only competition is ourselves. We do it the old-fashioned way, not because it's easy, but because it works.
At Campcraft Outdoors we're Ruggedly Independent
In 2022, we're rededicating ourselves to the things that have inspired us, that have fueled us, excited us, and have brought us closer together. The field school branch is now separate from our brand. You will be able to find a new variety of courses ranging from our standard camping and woodcraft courses to tactical homestead response and self-defense over at the new training website: Campcraft TactX (Tactics)
We will also be offering a new 5-day "Outdoor Minister" boot camp. We receive calls and messages from individuals across the United States looking for help in trying to begin an outdoor ministry in their local community. This non-denominational training will focus on sharing the Gospel of Survival through skills-sharing, fellowship, and outdoor-oriented messages to pursue the lost, overtake those stumbling, and recover the unity of fellowship among the brethren.
We're looking forward to 2022 with great anticipation. The problems of the world shall continue to wax worse, so join us in the hills of Kentucky while you are able, get prepared, sharpen yourself, and enjoy the time with like-minded friends.